haispora Vrijmoed, K.D. Hyde
and E.B.G. Jones
Mycol. Res. 98: 699-704,
Ascomata: 200-356
x 170-320 µm, immersed, semi-immersed or superficial, axis horizontal
or vertical to the host surface, light-brown to pale grey, ostiolate,
papillate, solitary or gregarious.
Asci: 80-115 x 16-28
µm, 8-spored, clavate, thin-walled, unitunicate, pedunculate, with thickened
and flattened apex containing a refractive pore.
Ascospores: 14-22
x 10-12 µm, hyaline, ellipsoidal, 2-celled, weakly constricted at the
septa and thick-walled.